minify json
100% client side json minification. Goal was to create this common web tool for myself so I know for a fact none my code is stored and harvested for sensitive data. I don't have a server to even process your code, so your code is safe. Check the network if you want to see for yourself.
Code Savings
0 bytesWhat is minification?
Formatted code is easier to read for us humans. Computers don't read code like we do. They don't need visual spacing, so that is what minification removes. Each space, tab, or carriage return is processed by the browser. Removing them makes our code smaller and more performant.
What is not minification
Minification is not compression. Compression rewrites a files binary code and encodes it using
less bites. On the web we commonly interact with compression when we serve the browser
compressed files using compression algorithms like gzip or brotli. Serving compressed files is
faster because there is less bytes the browser needs to decode.
Minification is not uglification. Uglification rewrites your variables and functions names to single
letters. It does way more than this but this is the basic idea. Obfuscates your public code.